Hex Map Editor

A standalone map editor for maps tiled with hexagons, with an emphasis on being easy to use.

Currently not released, due to a bug in Unity 2022.2 alphas which prevented UI Toolkit from processing Mouse Clicks correctly in a built game.


The Hex Map Editor was created to help create hexagonal maps in a quick and easy manor. It features the following:

  • Folder tracking, including automatic importing and updating images.
  • Multiple maps per project. Multiple layers per map.
  • The ability to have non-standard sized hexagons. (Including 2 orientations: Pointed Top and Flat Top)
  • Symmetry Tools with preview of symmetrically placed tiles.
  • Automatic alternative tile placement.
  • Json save structure, which is easily interpreted for game development.

And other features which are handy for creating maps.

Development Information

Team Size: Solo.

Development Period: June 2022 - August 2022.

Engine: Unity .

Main Responsibilities:

  • Usage of Unity’s UI Toolkit
  • Handling addition, removal and updating of user files
  • Efficient creation and handling of tiles.
  • Ease of use
